Inline functions in Oracle queries
— 2 min read
Defining common table expressions (CTEs) using the WITH clause in SQL queries is a fairly common practice. Oracle has allowed creating inline functions in a query’s WITH clause since version 12. These local functions can make queries more readable and may also lead to more efficient query execution.
Inline functions can be used in a query with or without CTEs. If you do have CTEs in your query, they must be defined after the inline function definition. A query can contain more than one inline function, along with one or more CTEs.
In our first example, we query some dummy data created using a CTE containing a prod_id column and a qty column. Let’s say we need to transform the prod_id column to a category id using the following logic
- For prod_id < 30, category id is the prod_id truncated to the tenths place
- For prod_id values between 30 and 89, category id is 80
- For prod_id >= 90, category id is the same as the prod_id
In this example, we could just include the logic in the query using a case statement instead of creating an inline function, but assume that for readability we want to separate out the logic. This query shows the use of an inline function to select prod_id, qty and the category_id from our CTE dta. The function get_prod_cat_id is called like any standard function, passing the required parameter (prod_id).
1-----------------------------------------------------------------------2with3-----------------------------------------------------------------------4 -- inline function5 function get_prod_cat_id(p_prod_id in pls_integer) return pls_integer is6 -- if prod_id < 30, cat_id = prod_id truncated to the tenths place7 -- if prod_id between 30 and 89, cat_id = 808 -- if prod_id >= 90, cat_id = prod_id9 begin10 return (11 case when p_prod_id < 3012 then trunc(p_prod_id, -1) -- truncate to tenths place13 when p_prod_id < 9014 then 8015 else p_prod_id16 end17 );18 end get_prod_cat_id;19-----------------------------------------------------------------------20 -- cte21 dta as (22 select 11 as prod_id, 100 as qty from dual union all23 select 15 as prod_id, 68 as qty from dual union all24 select 29 as prod_id, 222 as qty from dual union all25 select 34 as prod_id, 35 as qty from dual union all26 select 39 as prod_id, 23 as qty from dual union all27 select 94 as prod_id, 876 as qty from dual union all28 select 99 as prod_id, 555 as qty from dual29)30-----------------------------------------------------------------------31select get_prod_cat_id(prod_id) as cat_id, prod_id, qty32 from dta33-----------------------------------------------------------------------34;
CAT_ID PROD_ID QTY 10 11 100 10 15 68 20 29 222 80 34 35 80 39 23 94 94 876 99 99 555 7 rows selected
The inline functions can also be referenced in group by
or where
clauses and they need not be just simple transformations. They can include logic to query other database objects. For our second example, we will look at the employees
, departments
and locations
tables in the Oracle supplied sample schema called hr
TABLE: EMPLOYEES (selected columns)
If we need to query employee details from the employees table and show the employee location (city and state) in the output, we could join employees
to departments
on department_id and then to locations
using the location_id. There are some employees who do not have a value in the department_id column, so we will need to do outer joins to departments and locations tables. If we want to display a specific text for such employees that do not have a department id, we will need to check if the department_id is null and assign the text for such rows. Let’s say we want to concatenate the city and state_province columns separated by a comma and a space to show as emp_location in the query output. If a location has no state_province value, we want to show just the value in the city column. Let’s see what the query looks like with an inline function used to generate the emp_location values.
1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2with3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 -- inline function to get employee location5 function get_emp_loc(p_dept_id in number) return varchar2 as6 v_location varchar2(100);7 begin8 if p_dept_id is null then -- employees record has null department_id column value9 return 'Employee is not assigned to a Department';10 end if;11 -- return city from locations table; append state_province if there is a value12 select || nvl2(l.state_province, ', ', '') || l.state_province as location13 into v_location14 from hr.departments d15 inner join hr.locations l using (location_id)16 where d.department_id = p_dept_id;17 return v_location;18 exception19 when no_data_found then20 return 'Invalid location id';21 end get_emp_loc;22----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23select employee_id, first_name, last_name, department_id, get_emp_loc(department_id) as emp_location24 from hr.employees25 where nvl(department_id,-1) in (-1,10,20,40,70,110) -- for illustration26----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27;
EMPLOYEE_ID FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME DEPARTMENT_ID EMP_LOCATION 178 Kimberely Grant Employee is not assigned to a Department 200 Jennifer Whalen 10 Seattle, Washington 201 Michael Hartstein 20 Toronto, Ontario 202 Pat Fay 20 Toronto, Ontario 203 Susan Mavris 40 London 204 Hermann Baer 70 Munich, Bavaria 205 Shelley Higgins 110 Seattle, Washington 206 William Gietz 110 Seattle, Washington 8 rows selected
I filtered on a few departments so we can see the special cases in the output. We capture all the logic for emp_location the inline function and the final select statement fetching data from employees table just needs to call the function get_emp_loc, passing the department_id. I believe PostgreSQL supports inline functions but not BigQuery.
For completeness, this is an equivalent select statement without using an inline function.
1select e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name, e.department_id,2 case when e.department_id is null then 'Employee is not assigned to a Department'3 when l.state_province is null then l.city4 else || ', ' || l.state_province5 end as emp_location6 from hr.employees e7 left join hr.departments d8 on (d.department_id = e.department_id)9 left join hr.locations l10 on (l.location_id = d.location_id)11 where nvl(e.department_id,-1) in (-1,10,20,40,70,110)12;
Please note that the performance benefits of inline functions can vary depending on many factors- the complexity of the function, amount of data being queried and database configuration parameters. If the function is complex or is called multiple times from different queries, using a standalone PL/SQL function may be more efficient. The intent here is to introduce the concept of local function definition in WITH clause of Oracle SQL queries.